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Get rid of Pains during your Run

Real Time Pain Relief

Most runners are familiar with some sort of pain from their running. Wether that is an injury, some aches from training, a long time sore spot or pain that flares up while you are running. There are a lot of ‘cures’ for this, pills you can take, tape you can put on or ointment to rub in, but most of these things either don’t really help or are not really that good for you to use.

Real Time Pain Relief Jeff Galloway

This year at the Expo of the Walt Disney Marathon in Orlando I came across a product that is perfect for runners that experience this. Real Time Pain Relief, it’s a cream that is great to use during your exercise. It is sweat resistant and it gives you that pain relief right where you need it.

When I have aching muscles from a workout the day before I’ll put some Real Time Pain Relief on before I go out and it really makes the run a lot more bearable. The small Roll on bottle, that is promoted by Jeff Galloway, Olympic runner and Disney Run advocate, is the go to cure for this before my run.

If I feel soreness from my workout after my run I also have the Active Pain Relief cream, promoted by George Foreman, that one is a little bit stronger and perfect for after your workout.

The reason there is a difference is so you don’t really notice it too much while you’re running. A lot of other products get really hot or cold during your run and this is probably not a sensation you want to be feeling at that moment.

Now I’m not big on taking pills, I don’t even take painkillers, so that is not even something I would consider for aching muscles. But there are a lot of other products out there that have things in it you don’t really want to put in or on your body either.

real time pain relief George Foreman formula

Real Time Pain Relief has:

- no GMOs

- no Parabens

- no SLS

- no Artificial Dyes

- no Synthetic Fragrances.

The product looks good on paper and it actually does what it’s supposed to do. Having the face of a man most runners trust on it, really helps sell the product I think. And I must say having met Jeff Galloway it was probably what caught my eye to the product in the first place.

The small 3oz roll-on bottle is easy to take with you when you have a race somewhere and you know you will need some pain relief. So when I travel somewhere the Real Time Pain Relief comes with me.

If you’d like to get the Roll-on for yourself, you can click here.


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