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5 Benefits of Winter Running

5 benefits of winter running

I know it is sometimes tough to go out there in the cold and get motivated for your run during the Winter months, but there are some real benefits from running in the winter. Let me explain how they can actually help you.

Running in cold weather can help you burn fat. It can help your body change unwanted fat into fat that you can burn. How does that work? Well the body actually has different kinds of fat, white fat, which is what we see as the unwanted fat we want to get rid of. Brown fat, which is metabolic tissue that burns calories and some shades in between that. Studies have shown that exercising in cold temperatures can turn our white fat to brown fat. So that means that running in the winter could not only help you burn calories, it could change your body composition.

winter running

Cold weather is actually ideal for running. The one thing that makes it hard on the body to run is heat. While running your body is generating heat and it’s much easier to get rid of this heat and keep your body cooler when the temperatures outside are low. The less heat stress on the body, the easier your run will be.

Running is a great way to battle ‘Winter Depression’. When the days get shorter and it’s cold out, we see a lot less sunlight and tend to go out less often. This is what can cause a winter depression. Running can get the endorphins and adrenaline flowing and keep you happy all through the cold winter months.

Running in snow can actually make you a stronger and faster runner. Just like training on different surfaces during the summer it can actually help you to run in the snow. Your body has to adjust to stepping on uneven or even slippery ground. It might slow you down on your run now, but it will help you to be stronger and run faster once all that snow is gone.

A winter break could be good for now. Now hear me out, I don’t mean no running. The whole year you are training, building up distance, building up speed. Pushing yourself to get better and stronger, but sometimes the body could use a break. There are no real races to train for in the winter most of the time, so why not just go for a run without worrying about your time. Run at an easy pace, enjoy your run without thinking about having to achieve something. Some time for your body to recuperate can be good for you.

Of course running in cold weather needs some adjustments so if you want some tips on how to run in cold weather, check out the article right here.


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