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15 Tips How to Run Faster

As runners we pretty much always want to run faster, set new PRs or just keep up with the rest of them. To help you train better and make you a faster runner I have 15 tips you can use to help you on your way.

First of all make a schedule for your training, so you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it. Just showing up for your training and putting in the work will make you a faster runner and it will give you something to stick to.

Number two is working on speed runs. Start with a short distance that is comfortable for you and run at a good pace for that run. A pace that might be faster than you would for a longer distance, but a pace that you can sustain for the duration of the run. Do a speed run once a week.

Number three is also a run to train for speed, but it’s a fartlek run. Some people prefer to do interval runs, I started doing fartlek runs in my training last year and I really enjoy that, so once a week I do a fartlek run in my training.

Now if you want to get faster you need to get stronger. So simple logic will lead you to strength training for your legs. In my training schedule I have 3 days where I’m not running, but I’m doing leg exercises. These exercises are mostly targeting my calves and thighs, but also my feet, ankles and knees. The exercises are not just to build up more power for running, but also more strength to prevent injuries.

The exercises are amongst others squads, wall sits, knee raises, foot circles. I have a whole routine that I go over that covers them all and besides just working the legs I like to mix it up with some pull ups and push ups to work on the core and of course throw in some planks every now and then. If you need some help with a good routine I will link a video at the bottom of this article that you can follow along.

Besides these fairly simple to do strength exercises I also do speed exercises, these are great exercises to work on your speed, agility and running form. If you’ve ever seen those ladders they put on the ground for exercises and wondered what that is for, this is it. I do different exercises that help me with my speed, get my feet moving quickly and work on fast explosive movements. I have another video with speed ladder exercises that I will link in the bottom too.

So on my weekly schedule I have a Fartlek run, a speed run and a long run and three days of leg exercises and speed exercises. But I have 3 exercises that I like to call the Big 3, these 3 I do every day and are the 3 exercises every runner should do to become faster, become better, become more flexible, just become an overall better runner. They are very simple exercises to perform, but if you were to do only 3 exercises out of all the exercises there are, you should be doing these 3. I’ll demonstrate what they are in a video underneath the article.

Some other things that can help you be faster is running gear and gadgets. First of it's good gear. And this doesn't necessarily have to be the same for everybody. You might like a certain brand or item when somebody else feels more comfortable with something else.

For me, I really enjoy the X-bionic running gear, but whatever is comfortable for you should work.

Running Shoes

The most important thing in your running gear are your shoes. If you are not sure about what shoes are right for you, go to a running store where they can scan your feet. They will be able to tell you exactly what type of shoe you need to run comfortable and they can tell you if you might need some extra support in your shoes.

One thing I've noticed over time that does make a difference during the run and also after my run is run compression socks. They help with the blood flow during the run which is a big plus, but also helps with recovery during training. So I'm wearing them during my race, but also during all my training runs.

Another thing that really helps with recovery is an item I reviewed a little while ago. The Air Relax. This awesome machine massages your legs with air cushions and speeds up your recovery.

Now you might wonder how this makes you faster, but the faster you recover, the more you can train and the better rested you are, the more new effort you can put into your next training. So the Air Relax is a big help during my training.

Stryd Pod

The next gadget that I love running with is the Stryd pod, a little pod you connect to your shoe and helps you to run with power so you always know how much effort you're putting in during your run.

During training and during races it gives you a better insight into how you’re doing. For more information about the Stryd you can click here.

In order to run faster you should be watching your form. In order to run comfortably and lose the least amount of energy you need to run up straight and not hunch over. Specially when you get tired you might tend to hunch over a bit but this actually costs more energy in the long run and will hurt your performance.

The other thing is the swing of your legs, when you look at marathon runners like Kipchoge you will notice that when his foot comes back it goes up high, almost to his butt and then it swings forward again for his next step. This makes his stryd bigger and his pace faster.

Ok, so you might say now: "yeah, but that is cause he is just running faster!". And you're right, but it's not cause he's running faster or putting in more effort that his legs move that way. It's the other way around. He moves his legs that way and that is what makes him run faster.

I find that if you pay attention to this and you bring your heels up more towards your butt you run faster, but it can actually cost you less effort and be easier to speed up your pace that way than to simply speed up your movement. The only thing is that it's a lot harder on your muscles and you might run out of gas that way. That is why those exercises from step 4, 5 and 6 are there. You train your legs so this part gets easier and you can run with larger stryd and better form.

The next thing that will help to run a faster race is to mind the course of the race. Every course is different and that could make a difference. When you pick a race with a straight and flat course you can have a little bit of an advantage that you don’t have to do anything for.

Also when you're running a race you want to take the inside of every bend and run in a straight line to the inside of the next bend. That way you will run the shortest possible distance during your race.

During a race you can often also join a pace group. If keeping a steady pace is a problem a pace group can help. It can also keep you motivated to do better than you would if you are running by yourself.

Last but not least, you have to want it more. Most successful athletes didn’t just get where they are by chance. They are dedicated, they put in the work and they just want it more than the average person. Your attitude towards your training has to be that you want to do it to get better, stronger and faster. If you want to put in the work, you will see the results. When you keep going out there, when you train and keep to your schedule you will reach your goals and become a faster runner.


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